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The Paul Example

Minister Like Paul



  • How did the disciples advance the Kingdom of God? What method did they use to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Was there one big centralized church? (That was tried in Jerusalem, and we know what happened). How was the Kingdom advanced?


  • In the Pauline method, We see that the Church which was established at Antioch, sent out Paul and Barnabas, ... after they had examined them, received a good report about them, and "prayed and fasted." Acts 13:1-3


  • The purpose of starting new churches should not be discontentment, survival or continued financial resources, but to make disciples and gather people where there is a need for a new community of faith who has been called out by God to uniquely expand the kingdom. 




Prayer is Job #1

Prayer Based Church Planting


Church planting is not like establishing a business such a McDonalds or a gas station.  It is establishing an outpost to advance the kingdom of God.  Efforts that seek to reduce church planting to the well intentioned actions of a trained planter are doomed to fail.


Church planting is a spiritual endeavor.  It is the dispatching of God’s infantry to conquer territory ruled by the adversary.  Church planters must win the battle in the Spiritual realm if they are to win it in the natural.  There can be no successful church planting without copious prayer bathing the entire effort.


Antioch acknowledges this Spiritual reality by modeling, teaching and encouraging persistent, prevailing prayer.






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